Sunday, June 28, 2020

Chime Chaminade

Placed 10th killed by Rahni Vohra
"I have nothing to prove to you. You have something to prove to me.” 

District One
Age: 18
Height: 5'9
Weight: 170 lb

Weapon of Choice: Spear
Weaknesses:Pampered, Imperious, Avaricious, Insensitive  

Mentor: Luster Delu
Allies: Avanelle Aran, Nile Shadid, Rowena Austel, Nascha Marlett, Fransiska Lunde

Training Score: 8

Odds: Deceased 

Avanelle Aran

Placed 14th killed by Rahni Vohra
"No pressure, no diamonds." 

District One 
Age: 18
Height: 5'9
Weight: 142 lb

Weapon of Choice: Axe  
Weaknesses: Desirous, Contradictory, Defamatory, Remorseful 

Mentor: Blest Rinear
Allies: Chime Chaminade, Nile Shadid, Rowena Austel, Nascha Marlett, Fransiska Lunde

Training Score: 10

Odds: Deceased

Nile Shadid

Placed 21st killed by Proteus Anche
"With no pain, there can be no glory."

District Two
Age: 18
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200 lb

Weapon of Choice: Bow and Sword 
Weaknesses:  Selt Loathing, Guilt-Ridden, Masochistic 

Mentor: Cassander Caras    

Allies: Chime Chaminade,  Avanelle Aran, Rowena Austel, Nascha Marlett, Fransiska Lunde

Training Score: 11

Odds: Deceased

Rowena Austel

"The best spotlight to be under is the one that shines from within."

District Two 
Age: 18
Height: 5'8
Weight: 135 lb

Weapon of Choice: Throwing Knives
Weaknesses: Distrait, Preoccupied, Inhibited, Undiscerning

Mentor:  Medusa Mulle 

Allies: Chime, Chaminade, Avanelle Aran, Nile Shadid, Nascha Marlett, Fransiska Lunde

Training Score: 11

Odds: 3-1

Kian Fawkes

Placed 18th killed by Plant Muttations
"Let's not call it social anxiety. Let's call it failing at being naturally social."

District 3
Age: 17
Height: 5'8
Weight: 150 lb

Weapon of Choice: Sword
Weaknesses: Socially-Anxious, Panicky, Forgettable

Mentor: Beetee Latier  
Allies: Allegra Mulinari 

Training Score: 6

Odds: Deceased

Allegra Mulinari

Placed 23rd killed by Avanelle Aran
"I know looks aren't everything, but I have them just in case!"

District Three 
Age: 16
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140 lb

Weapon of Choice: Knife 
Weaknesses: Sensitive, Restless, Distracted, Idealistic  


Allies: Kian Fawkes

Training Score: 6

Odds: Deceased

Yorik Questor

Placed 13th killed by Nascha Bartlett
"My Pop Pop won his games. Now, I'm expected to do the same." 

District Four 
Age: 17
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170 lb

Weapon of Choice: Spear
Weaknesses: Submissive, Troubled, Pressured, Poor Repute    

Mentor: Yor Questor  

Allies: Proteus Anche, Rahni Vohra, Denim Lane, Zenna Vicary, Sesame Schild, Tassia Morrone, Blair Cohen, Alys Tarwyck 

Training Score: 8

Odds: Deceased

Nascha Marlett

”Don't tell me what to do. You can dare me to do something and I might take you up on it, but my choices are my own, thank you very much.” 

District Four 
Age: 18
Height: 5'6
Weight: 155 lb

Weapon of Choice: Harpoon 
Weaknesses: Ingenuous, Flippant, Impulsive, Empathetic   

Mentor: Cresla Wang 
Allies: Chime, Chaminade, Avanelle Aran, Nile Shadid, Rowena Austel, Fransiska Lunde

Training Score: 10

Odds: 5-1

Errol Acosta

"Don't judge me, there's a reason why I do the things I do. Who are you to judge.” 

District Six
Age: 18
Height: 5'10
Weight: 155 lb

Weapon of Choice: Spear
Weaknesses: Bravado, Broken, Heedless, Insecure    

Mentor: Ward Brandler 
Allies: Tressa Whitelock

Training Score: 5

Odds: 24-1

Jeriah Chern

Placed 15th killed by Nascha Martlett
”I've thought about it a lot, why some people have friends and some people just don't. I think I'm close to figuring it out, too." 

District 5 
Age: 16
Height: 5'7
Weight: 130 lb

Weapon of Choice: Sword
Weaknesses: Graceless, Tiresome, Garbled, Fragile 

Mentor: Brites Adelle 
Allies: McAfee Sylvane

Training Score: 5

Odds: Deceased

Fransiska Lunde

Placed 2oth killed by McAfee Sylvane 
"Oh, no, don't worry! Not everyone can be as bright as me, I totally get it!"

District Five  
Age: 17
Height: 5'9
Weight: 125lb

Weapon of Choice: Hammer 
Weaknesses: Pretentious, Overbearing, Narrow-Minded, Contentious   

Mentor: Jacqueline O'Connor  
Allies: Chime, Chaminade, Avanelle Aran, Nile Shadid, Rowena Austel, Nascha Marlett

Training Score: 7

Odds: Deceased

Tressa Whitelock

"We never know what our life is worth until it is taken from us." 

District Six 
Age: 17
Height: 5'9
Weight: 142 lb

Weapon of Choice: Knife
Weaknesses: Pessimistic, Over-Bearing, Impulsive 

Mentor: Ward Brandler  

Allies: Errol Acosta

Training Score: 6

Odds: 7-1

Rahni Vohra

"Call it dramatic. I call it putting on a show."

District Seven
Age: 18
Height: 5'8
Weight: 130

Weapon of Choice: Knife 
Weaknesses: Chaotic, Petty, Insecure, Desperate    

Mentor: Glade Underworth   

Allies: Yorik Questor, Proteus Anche, Denim Lane, Zenna Vicary, Sesame Schild, Tassia Morrone, Blair Cohen, Alys Tarwyck 

Training Score: 8

Odds: 3-1

Proteus Anche

"It's hard to march to the beat of your own drum if you've completely lost your drumsticks."

District Seven
Age: 18
Height: 6'4
Weight: 220 lb

Weapon of Choice: Sword 
Weaknesses: Hazy, Gauche, Gawky,  Torpid 

Mentor: Hilt Olford 

Allies: Yorik Questor, Rahni Vohra, Denim Lane, Zenna Vicary, Sesame Schild, Tassia Morrone, Blair Cohen, Alys Tarwyck 

Training Score: 10

Odds: 3-1

Denim Lane

"You know, for all the bravery you're showing, I can tell you're pretty scared." 

District Eight 
Age: 18
Height: 5'10
Weight: 180 lb

Weapon of Choice: Knife 
Weaknesses: Brash, Abrasive, Ego 

Mentor: Woof Leatherman  

Allies: Yorik Questor, Proteus Anche, Rahni Vohra, Zenna Vicary, Sesame Schild, Tassia Morrone, Blair Cohen, Alys Tarwyck 

Training Score: 9

Odds: 6-1

Zenna Vicary

Placed 16th killed by Vine Muttations
"I'll thrown down with the best of them."

District Eight  
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Weight: 113 lb

Weapon of Choice: Hand to Hand Combat 
Weaknesses: Direct, Brazen, Impulsive, Combative 

Mentor: Woof Leatherman  

Allies: Yorik Questor, Proteus Anche, Rahni Vohra, Denim Lane, Sesame Schild, Tassia Morrone, Blair Cohen, Alys Tarwyck 

Training Score: 5

Odds: Deceased

Sesame Schild

Placed 24th killed by Nile Shadid 
 "It's always been rigged. Watch."   

District Nine 
Age: 18
Height: 5'10
Weight: 180 lb

Weapon of Choice: Sickle 
Weaknesses: Obstinate, Rebellious, Unforgiving 

Mentor: Ryes Thigpen 

Allies: Yorik Questor, Proteus Anche, Rahni Vohra, Denim Lane, Zenna Vicary, Tassia Morrone, Blair Cohen, Alys Tarwyck 

Training Score: 9

Odds: Deceased

Tassia Morrone

"I'd rather be disliked and helpful than loved and useless." 

District Nine
Age: 15
Height: 5'5
Weight: 130 lb

Weapon of Choice: Sickle
Weaknesses: Gloomy, Prickly, Uptight, Uncompromising    

Mentor: Sissan Martinez 
Allies: Yorik Questor, Proteus Anche, Rahni Vohra, Denim Lane, Zenna Vicary, Sesame Schild, Blair Cohen, Alys Tarwyck 

Training Score: 4

Odds: 9-1

Blair Cohen

Placed 19th killed by Chime Chaminade
"Don't underestimate me." 

District Ten 
Age: 12
Height: 5'5
Weight: 115 lb

Weapon of Choice: Knife
Weaknesses: Disdainful, Parasitic, Juvenile 

Mentor: Boarus Caperton   

Allies: Yorik Questor, Proteus Anche, Rahni Vohra, Denim Lane, Zenna Vicary, Sesame Schild, Tassia Morrone, Alys Tarwyck 

Training Score: 5

Odds: Deceased

Alys Tarwyck

Placed 22nd killed by Avanelle Aran
"Trauma doesn't define you, but sometimes the memories hurt more than anything that bleeds." 

District Ten
Age: 16
Height: 5'5
Weight: 110 lb

Weapon of Choice: Knife
Weaknesses: Anxious, Pampered, Emotional, Damaged 

Mentor: Julianna Surscy

Allies: Yorik Questor, Proteus Anche, Rahni Vohra, Denim Lane, Zenna Vicary, Sesame Schild, Tassia Morrone, Blair Cohen, 

Training Score: 6

Odds: Deceased

McAfee Sylvane

Placed 17th killed by Dasenai Bartlet
"How am I gonna make it out of this? By shutting up and putting in the work--that's gotten me through worse."

District Twelve
Age: 18
Height: 5'7
Weight: 125 lb

Weapon of Choice: Sword
Weaknesses: Short-Sighted, Frank, Paranoid, Impulsive   

Mentor: Ruddie Thelmont 

Allies: Jeriah Chern

Training Score: 6

Odds: Deceased

Veridian Ahane

"Listen--I suck. I know I suck. I'm not a good person, and I'm not good to be around. I just wish somebody would hear me for once."

District Twelve   
Age: 18
Height: 5'8
Weight: 135 lb

Weapon of Choice: Knife
Weaknesses:  Erratic, Insecure, Abrasive, Cowardly

Mentor:  Ruddie Thelmont  


Training Score: 6

Odds: 9-1

Dasenia Bartlet

Placed 9th killed by Rowena Austal
"This is my life, it is my own, and I will not hide in the shadows." 

District 11 
Age: 15
Height: 5'8
Weight: 120 lb

Weapon of Choice: Bow
Weaknesses: Dramatic, Careless, Brash

Mentor: Bloomsy Matthews 
Allies: Lukas Briar

Training Score: 10

Odds: Deceased

Lukas Briar

Placed 11th killed by Water Creature Muttation 
"A boy and a bed, a dove and a leaf. One has freedom and the other just sleep."

District Eleven  
Age: 17
Height: 5'9
Weight: 145 lb

Weapon of Choice: Axe
Weaknesses: Loyal, Aimless, Hesitant 

Mentor:  Cig Rigby

Allies: Desenia Bartlet 

Training Score: 5

Odds: Deceased